Elysium Inc. creates the translation software tools that engineers need for communication of design data between CAD, CAE and CAM programs. The increasing computerization of design for manufacturing and the product lifecycle management stream has made these tools essential for achieving the future vision of fast and accurate design.
But when Elysium came to Parker Group for support with increasing their profile in the U.S. market, they were frank with us about the difficulties of getting potential customers to see the need for, and the utility of, data translation software. Although the problems of data translation had been made public as long as a decade earlier, the market had not assimilated the message or fully understood the full ramifications of the problem. It was critical for Elysium to communicate how their products could improve quality in product design, reduce costs, and boost productivity in the all-digital design and manufacturing environment.
Parker Group created a strategic plan for Elysium based on the need to demystify the issue of third party translation software and create a distinct, authoritative voice for the company to explain both the problem and the solution in the clearest possible terms. There was both a business message and a fairly complicated technical argument to frame. We began with an opinion piece about the critical importance of data exchange, written with Elysium’s president. We followed up with two detailed tech bylines, authored by the company’s chief technology officer, about translation and CAD, and translation and FEA.
We also launched a program of outreach to leading trade magazine editors, with a tactical focus on automotive and aerospace, that resulted in a number of interviews and placements for Elysium in industrial overview articles. Now the audience was prepared for the first major software rollout we conducted, focused on CAM, as well as subsequent product releases that further refined the company’s messages.